Join the American Littoral Society on Saturday, Mar 15 from 1:30 - 4:30pm as we plant marsh grass at the at the newly restored S. Riverside Drive Living Shoreline Restoration Project in Neptune, NJ.
Street parking is available along S. Riverside Drive (GPS: 411 S. Riverside Dr. Neptune, NJ). Dress to get messy, bring a lunch or snack, and help us re-restore a part of Shark River Inlet. We will have gloves, trowels, shovels, and dibble sticks available for the planting. We would like to thank our partners for this next phase: Neptune Twp., Neptune Dept. of Public Works, New Jersey Corporate Wetlands Restoration Partnership, Pinelands Nursery, Shark River Cleanup Coalition, Stockton University, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Please RSVP if you plan to lend a hand. Can't attend but want to become a member? Click here to read about membership benefits and how to join!