Citizen Science along the Coast
Since the inception of the Society's Fish Tagging Program in 1965, more than 970,000 fish have been tagged by our volunteer taggers.
More than 5% of those tagged fish have been recaptured. Every April, the data that has been gathered over the previous 12 months is sent to the National Marine Fisheries Service, at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, MA, and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
Originally, the Society focused its tagging efforts towards coastal Atlantic sharks. During the early 1970's, in response to a precipitous decline in striped bass stocks, the Society's Fish Tagging Program decided to switch its target species to striped bass, and other fishes of the littoral zone, such as; summer flounder, bluefish, tautog and black seabass. Currently the program has more than 450 active taggers who tag over 15,000 fish per year. If you'd like to become a tagger yourself, please contact [email protected] or call 732-291-0055 BELOW
You must be a current member of the American Littoral Society to receive tagging supplies. If you're not sure about your membership status, please call us at 732-291-0055. If you would prefer for us to use Fedex/UPS to mail your supplies to you instead of using the US Postal Service, please do let us know. You can call us at 732-291-0055 or email Emily at [email protected]. |