Located on 130 acres in Toms River Township, Bey Lea Golf Course is a former farm that was developed into a golf course in 1969 through a grant from the New Jersey Green Acres Program. The Township of Toms River, which owns and operates the course, is dedicated to providing its residents with a great golfing experience for reasonable rates while being good stewards of the Barnegat Bay. One way Bey Lea has committed to protecting the Bay is through achieving a gold level Bay-friendly Golf Course Certification.
Bay-friendly golf course certification
As aesthetically pleasing as a golf course can be, it can also be equally environmentally damaging. Golf courses tend to use high levels of fertilizer and chemicals to keep grasses green which keeps customers returning. Those excess nutrients and chemicals enter streams and rivers during storm events which can ultimately lead to eutrophication of that waterbody. One solution that the American Littoral Society has worked to implement is awarding Bay-friendly Golf Course Certifications to eligible golf courses. To become certified, a golf course needs to adapt certain agricultural habits to coincide with a list of bay-friendly practices provided by the Society. Using a point system, each item on the list is worth a different value and different levels can be achieved from a golf courses total points accumulated. To view the Certification, please click: Bay-friendly Golf Course Certification
Interested in learning more? Are you:
A Municipal Official?
- Please click "Technical Publication" for details on stormwater improvements that can be implement in your town. |
A Concerned Clean Water Advocate?
- Please click "Clean Water Beautiful Bay" for a brochure on stormwater improvements that you can share with your local officials. |
A Planner or Engineer?
- Please click "Basin Prioritization Matrix" to understand how to target the most crucial areas in a watershed for stormwater improvements.. |
Funding for this project provided through a Watershed Restoration 319(h) Grant from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (Grant #WM15-014)