American Littoral Society Says NO to Atlantic Ocean Fossil Fuel Exploration and Seismic Testing12/4/2018
Helen Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Ocean Planning Manager for the American Littoral Society, speaks in opposition to ocean seismic testing and oil exploration, during a gathering on the Asbury Park, NJ boardwalk. (Photo courtesy of Clean Ocean Action) December 4, 2018 – [Asbury Park, NJ] – On Tuesday the American Littoral Society, along with Congressman Frank Pallone, local officials, and other environmentalists, gathered on the Asbury Park boardwalk to oppose federal plans for seismic testing and oil exploration off the Atlantic Coast. The following is the statement delivered at that event by Helen Henderson, the Littoral Society's Ocean Planning Manager for the Mid-Atlantic. The American Littoral Society has fought to protect New Jersey’s coast since 1961. Today, we are here to reiterate this commitment – loud and clear – this time in opposition to the federal government’s most recent reckless decision to allow seismic testing off the Atlantic coastline, which will harm marine mammals and other wildlife. The Society is greatly concerned about the impacts of climate change on our ocean and coast. We lived through Sandy and have felt these impacts first-hand. We should not be exploring for new fossil fuel development off the Atlantic Coast. We recognize that the impacts of climate change, both current and future, instead require us to explore the development of renewable offshore wind energy while at the same time protecting our vulnerable marine ecosystems.
We have an immediate obligation to show that we can protect our marine habitats, which provide us with food, recreation, and enjoyment. We have been crystal clear: New Jersey is not open for business to new offshore oil and gas development, and that includes seismic testing. There should be no doubt that from the halls of Trenton to the beaches of Sandy Hook New Jersey’s citizens want our ocean protected, not opened to industrialization and noise pollution from seismic testing that will harm thousands of marine mammals and other wildlife. Comments are closed.
January 2025