Register Now for 5k Run/Walk to Care for the Coast 2 p.m., Saturday, April 7 on Asbury Park, NJ Boardwalk Lace up your running shoes and dig out your lobster bibs for the Third Annual Lobster Run/Walk 5k to Care for the Coast, on Saturday, April 7 in Asbury Park, NJ. Event proceeds will benefit the American Littoral Society.
This year the event returns to an afternoon start, which will be followed by an optional after-party featuring food and drink from Asbury Park's Langosta Lounge, and lobster from The Lusty Lobster of Highlands, NJ. The limited-registration event will have a rolling start from 2-2:45 p.m., with food from 2:20-4 p.m. and start/finish outside the Langosta Lounge, 1000 Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ. Registration will be open until event is full; early registration discount ends on March 23. It's not just a fun run, it's a family-friendly affair, at an amazing location, that is followed by good food from a great restaurant. All to support an important cause -- the American Littoral Society's efforts to care for the coast.
The 2nd Annual Lobster Run/Walk to Care for the Coast will be held on Saturday, April 15 at 9 a.m. on the Asbury Park, NJ boardwalk. Once again the Society will partner with Langosta Lounge and Split Second Racing for this fulfilling event. The run/walk will be followed by an optional after-party at the relaxing Langosta Lounge, and feature a menu developed especially for the occasion. Participants can sign-up for food, the run or a combo of both. Proceeds from the event will benefit the American Littoral Society, a 501c3 charity based at Sandy Hook, NJ that has been protecting and restoring the coast since 1961. Those who can't run or want to do more for the cause can fundraise or make a donation through the event registration page. Looking for a great way to cap spring break or raise your spirits for Easter? Maybe you're just looking for something to whet your appetite for Earth Day or a sumptuous brunch with the family.
You can do all of that AND help the American Littoral Society care for the coast by participating in the 2nd Annual Lobster Run on Saturday, April 15 at 9 a.m. in Asbury Park, NJ. Once again the Society will partner with Langosta Lounge and Split Second Racing for this fun and fulfilling event. On your mark, get set, run over to the registration page for the 2nd Annual Lobster Run. Registration for the 5k Run/Walk to Care for the Coast opens Wednesday, Feb. 1.
The event will be held Saturday, April 15 in Asbury Park, NJ, with a time-trial start any time from 9-10 a.m. The course is a down-and-back on the beautiful Asbury Park boardwalk and registration can include a lobster or vegetarian breakfast buffet. |
February 2025