UPDATE: No more volunteers are needed for this work. According to New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection there has been tremendous response to the request for volunteers and volunteer enrollment has been closed.
The NJ Endangered and Nongame Species Program is seeking volunteers to install fencing to protect beach-nesting bird habitat. Fencing will last 2-4 hours depending on the site. The work involves pounding posts into sand, tying string and flagging between them and posting informational signage. Volunteers should be capable of walking long distances in the sand, be dressed for the weather (it's often cold and windy on the beach in spring) and bring their own water and snacks. Click read more for volunteer dates, times and locations. Fencing will only be postponed if weather is especially bad (wind, cold and light rain will not be enough to cancel). Wednesday, March 6
6 - 8:30 p.m. Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library 121 Washington Street Toms River, NJ Free, Registration Required Join the American Littoral Society and Anglers for Offshore Wind Power for a dynamic night of interaction as we bring together New Jersey’s recreational fishing interests with fisheries liaisons from several current wind developers working in the New Jersey offshore area. Representatives from the following wind developers are expected: Equinor, Orsted, EDF Renewables, and Shell. The discussion will focus on offshore wind development issues of importance to the New Jersey recreational fishing community. Conversation topics will include: What’s happening in our mid-Atlantic ocean on subjects such as wind energy, fishing, commerce and recreation? If you are interested or invested in the answer to that question, join representatives of the American Littoral Society and federal ocean managers for a MACO Ocean Planning Forum on March 20 at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, NJ.
If you live or work along the Mid-Atlantic Ocean or coast, you have a stake in what happens. Make Your Voice Heard. The Mid-Atlantic Committee on the Ocean (MACO) was established by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean to foster collaboration among states, federal agencies, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and federally recognized tribes. The purpose of MACO is to enhance the vitality of the region's ocean ecosystem and economy through increased communication and collaboration. Click Here for Agenda and Registration NJ Assembly Bill 4221 (Pinkin) is coming before the Environment Committee on Thursday, Feb 14. That bill and its Senate companion, S. 1074 (Smith/Bateman/Gopal), provides for the protection of the public’s rights to beach access under the Public Trust Doctrine.
We thank Assemblywoman Nancy J. Pinkin for championing this bill in the NJ Assembly and believe it will ensure everyone has access to tidal waterways and their shores in the state. The American Littoral Society and other organizations have worked for years to protect public access to New Jersey beaches and tidal shorelines. This right is, unfortunately, often limited, interfered with or prevented throughout the state – from our ocean waters to the waterfronts of our cities and urban communities. The American Littoral Society empowers people to care for their coast. Regardless of changing times, economies, and politics, the Society has defended the coast since 1961. We won't stop our efforts to protect coastal environments and their inhabitants, respond to the realities of climate change, rising seas and more frequent storms, and promote smart, nature-based solutions to these issues. We will continue to speak out for healthy and vibrant coastal and ocean environments.
Your gift, combined with those of others, enables us to accomplish our work of coastal conservation, and protect all the benefits the coastline brings to our lives. Working together, we can do more. Please make a one-time or reoccurring donation to our Annual Appeal to support the Society. As we continue to rely on support from you, and all those who love the coast, you can count on us to help keep you informed and involved. Tuesday, February 26
6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Surf BBQ & Burger 132 East River Road Rumson, NJ Reservations Required $32 per person Click Here to Purchase Tickets Together with the American Littoral Society, The Rumson Environmental Commission will screen the award-winning documentary film The Oyster Farmers, which beautifully illustrates life on the Barnegat Bay for oyster farmers who are trying to bring these delicious and environmentally beneficial bivalves back to New Jersey Waters. Oyster Farmers featured in the film will host a raw bar before the screening and will join the American Littoral Society after the film for a Q&A for attendees. Ticket price includes a prix fixe menu (with tax and tip), a raw bar, and the movie. A cash bar will be available. |
February 2025