In response to the recent executive order that repealed National Ocean Policy, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) announced that it would continue to offer leadership and counsel on ocean planning. “Since 2009, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) has worked, as a Regional Ocean Partnership, across the five states of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and New York to enhance the vitality of the region’s ocean ecosystem and economy,” said Elizabeth Semple, Chair of MARCO. “MARCO is ready and willing to keep moving ahead as the Mid-Atlantic’s State-led Regional Ocean Partnership to coordinate and collaborate on issues of shared regional concern." The American Littoral Society applauds the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean’s decision to step into the leadership role on ocean and coastal governance, especially given the federal government’s abdication of their responsibilities through President Trump’s recent Executive Order. “We greatly appreciate that MARCO understands the value of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body and the Regional Ocean Action Plan to promoting healthy ocean ecosystems and sustainable ocean uses,” said Sarah Winter Whelan, Ocean Policy Program Director for the Society. “We are deeply concerned that there will be a continued push to greatly expand ocean exploitation, such as oil and gas development in the Atlantic, and we look forward to working with MARCO to fulfill the many commitments and promises of the Regional Ocean Action Plan."
In keeping with the plan to continue coordination of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Plan, MARCO is hosting a forum on Thursday August 2, 2018 in Richmond, Virginia. The meeting will be held at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, 1111 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Additional meeting details will be posted on the MARCO website when available.” Find the full text of Semple's statement at: Comments are closed.
February 2025