You’re invited to join the American Littoral Society and Clean Ocean Action on a trip to Washington, D.C. for the March for the Ocean. Ride with us on our “Bus for Big Blue” and march alongside fellow ocean lovers from all over the world to say NO to offshore oil testing, leasing, drilling and spilling, NO to plastic and other forms of ocean pollution, and YES to protecting our coasts and ensuring clean water for all. Join us in celebration of the ocean and let Congress know that ocean and coastal issues matter to New Jerseyans. A group of more than 100 organizations are hosting the March for the Ocean, which includes a flotilla down the Anacostia River, a rally at the Washington Monument, inspirational speakers, musical performances, and a pod of inflatable whales ranging from 15-87 feet long. The event will cap off with a 1.9 mile march around the White House. Departure: Charter buses leave from Rest Area Exit 100, Garden State Parkway, New Jersey at 6 a.m. We will send directions and where to park after registration.
Return: Our buses will leave Washington D.C. at 4 p.m. to return home to the same point (we expect a four hour ride each way). How much: The Society wants to ensure our members and supporters can attend this great event. Seats on the bus are FREE until we hit capacity, but you must be a FIRM commitment to register. What to bring: You will want to pack for a long day, so bring food for the trip down and back, sunscreen, extra clothes, etc. The buses will park nearby, but it’s unlikely we’ll have access to our things on the bus during the day until we return to head home. Registration: Click Here to Reserve your seat now through May 24th. There are only 50 seats available for the event. Comments are closed.
January 2025