This represents the third in a series of blogs developed by the American Littoral Society, meant to help empower our members and fellow citizens of the coast to stand up in opposition to the recent proposal made by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke for the 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program. The comment period for the National Outer Continental Oil and Gas Leasing Program closes Friday, March 9, 2018. In light of the Department of the Interior proposing the largest selloff of oil and gas leases in United States history, we offer 10 reasons that the U.S. should and could kick Big Oil to the curb. We welcome you to share this information with your family, friends, networks, and as an official comment to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
If you are as outraged as we are that the Department of the Interior is proposing to hand over our public waters to the highest bidder, we urge you to reject the drive to drill in these cherished ocean places for oil that America does not need, just to bolster fossil fuel industry profits. The public has spoken and the science is clear. Share this post and submit comments to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management by March 9.
jody calendar
3/7/2018 05:03:05 pm
We JUST did this. The federal government recently completed an exhaustive, multi-year offshore drilling planning process. Restarting that process just a few months later is nothing more than a handout to private oil companies. A handout that will cost taxpayers millions of dollars in staff time to recreate a plan that we already have in place. Comments are closed.
September 2024